Two-dimensional repulsive Fermi polarons with short and long-range interactions

Abstract in English

We study the repulsive polaron problem in a two-component two-dimensional system of fermionic atoms. We use two different interaction models: a short-range (hard-disk) potential and a dipolar potential. In our approach, all the atoms have the same mass and we consider the system to be composed of a uniform bath of a single species and a single atomic impurity. We use the diffusion Monte Carlo method to evaluate polaron properties such as its chemical potential and pair distribution functions, together with a discussion on the deficit of volume induced by the impurity. We also evaluate observables that allow us to determine the validity of the quasi-particle picture: the quasi-particle residue and the effective mass of the polaron. Employing two different potentials allows us to identify the universality regime, where the properties depend only on the gas parameter $n a_s^2$ fixed by the bath density and the two-dimensional scattering length.
