Smoothness and monotonicity of the excursion set density of planar Gaussian fields

Abstract in English

Nazarov and Sodin have shown that the number of connected components of the nodal set of a planar Gaussian field in a ball of radius $R$, normalised by area, converges to a constant as $Rto infty $. This has been generalised to excursion/level sets at arbitrary levels, implying the existence of functionals $c_{ES}(ell )$ and $c_{LS}(ell )$ that encode the density of excursion/level set components at the level $ell $. We prove that these functionals are continuously differentiable for a wide class of fields. This follows from a more general result, which derives differentiability of the functionals from the decay of the probability of `four-arm events for the field conditioned to have a saddle point at the origin. For some fields, including the important special cases of the Random Plane Wave and the Bargmann-Fock field, we also derive stochastic monotonicity of the conditioned field, which allows us to deduce regions on which $c_{ES}(ell )$ and $c_{LS}(ell )$ are monotone.
