Emergence of multiverse in third quantized varying constants cosmologies

Abstract in English

Although the standard cosmological model explains most of the observed phenomena it still struggles with the problem of initial singularity. An interesting scenario in which the problem of the initial singularity is somehow circumvented was proposed in the context of string theory where the canonical quantisation procedure was additionally applied. A similar effect can be achieved in the context of the canonically quantized theory with varying speed of light and varying gravitational constant where both quantities are represented by non-minimally coupled scalar fields. Such theory contains both the pre-big-bang contracting phase and the post-big-bang expanding phase and predicts non-vanishing probability of the transition from the former to the latter phase. In this paper we quantize such a theory once again by applying the third quantization scheme and show that the resulting theory contains scenario in which the whole multiverse is created from nothing. The generated family of the universes is described by the Bose-Einstein distribution.
