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Context. The details of the spectral profiles of extreme UV emission lines from solar active regions contain key information to investigate the structure, dynamics, and energetics of the solar upper atmosphere. Aims. We characterize the line profiles not only through the Doppler shift and intensity of the bulk part of the profile. More importantly, we investigate the excess emission and asymmetries in the line wings to study twisting motions and helicity. Methods. WeusearasterscanoftheInterfaceRegionImagingSpectrograph(IRIS)inanactive region. We concentrate on the Si iv line at 1394 {AA} that forms just below 0.1 MK and follow the plasma in a cool loop moving from one footpoint to the other. We apply single-Gaussian fits to the line core, determine the excess emission in the red and blue wings, and derive the red-blue line asymmetry. Results. The blue wing excess at one footpoint shows injection of plasma into the loop that is then flowing to the other side. At the same footpoint, redshifts of the line core indicate that energy is deposited at around 0.1 MK. The enhanced pressure would then push down the cool plasma and inject some plasma into the loop. In the middle part of the loop, the spectral tilts of the line profiles indicate the presence of a helical structure of the magnetic field, and the line wings are symmetrically enhanced. This is an indication that the loop is driven through the injection of helicity at the loop feet. Conclusions. Iftheloopisdriventobehelical,thenonecanexpectthatthemagneticfieldwill be in a turbulent state, as it has been shown by existing MHD models. The turbulent motions could provide an explanation of the (symmetric) line wing enhancements which have been seen also in loops at coronal temperatures, but have not been understood so far.
The magnetic field plays an essential role in the initiation and evolution of different solar phenomena in the corona. The structure and evolution of the 3D coronal magnetic field are still not very well known. A way to get the 3D structure of the coronal magnetic field is by performing magnetic field extrapolations from the photosphere to the corona. In previous work, it was shown that by prescribing the 3D reconstructed loops geometry, the magnetic field extrapolation finds a solution with a better agreement between the modeled field and the reconstructed loops. Also, it improves the quality of the field extrapolation. Stereoscopy represents the classical method for performing 3D coronal loop reconstruction. It uses at least two view directions. When only one vantage point of the coronal loops is available, other 3D reconstruction methods must be applied. Within this work, we present a method for the 3D loop reconstruction based on machine learning. Our purpose for developing this method is to use as many observed coronal loops in space and time for the modeling of the coronal magnetic field. Our results show that we can build machine learning models that can retrieve 3D loops based only on their projection information. In the end, the neural network model will be able to use only 2D information of the coronal loops, identified, traced and extracted from the EUV images, for the calculation of their 3D geometry.
We examine spectropolarimetric data from the CoMP instrument, acquired during the evolution of the September 10th 2017 X8.2 solar flare on the western solar limb. CoMP captured linearly polarized light from two emission lines of Fe XIII at 1074.7 and 1079.8 nm, from 1.03 to 1.5 solar radii. We focus here on the hot plasma-sheet lying above the bright flare loops and beneath the ejected CME. The polarization has a striking and coherent spatial structure, with unexpectedly small polarization aligned with the plasma-sheet. By elimination, we find that small-scale magnetic field structure is needed to cause such significant depolarization, and suggest that plasmoid formation during reconnection (associated with the tearing mode instability) creates magnetic structure on scales below instrument resolution of 6 Mm. We conclude that polarization measurements with new coronagraphs, such as the upcoming DKIST, will further enhance our understanding of magnetic reconnection and development of turbulence in the solar corona.
A three-dimensional numerical experiment of the launching of a hot and fast coronal jet followed by several violent eruptions is analyzed in detail. These events are initiated through the emergence of a magnetic flux rope from the solar interior into a coronal hole. We explore the evolution of the emerging magnetically-dominated plasma dome surmounted by a current sheet and the ensuing pattern of reconnection. A hot and fast coronal jet with inverted-Y shape is produced that shows properties comparable to those frequently observed with EUV and X-Ray detectors. We analyze its 3D shape, its inhomogeneous internal structure, and its rise and decay phases, lasting for some 15-20 min each. Particular attention is devoted to the field-line connectivities and the reconnection pattern. We also study the cool and high-density volume that appears encircling the emerged dome. The decay of the jet is followed by a violent phase with a total of five eruptions. The first of them seems to follow the general pattern of tether-cutting reconnection in a sheared arcade, although modified by the field topology created by the preceding reconnection evolution. The two following eruptions take place near and above the strong field-concentrations at the surface. They show a twisted, Omega-loop like rope expanding in height, with twist being turned into writhe, thus hinting at a kink instability (perhaps combined with a torus-instability) as the cause of the eruption. The succession of a main jet ejection and a number of violent eruptions that resemble mini-CMEs and their physical properties suggest that this experiment may provide a model for the blowout jets recently proposed in the literature.
We present coordinated coronal observations of the August 21, 2017 total solar eclipse with the Airborne Infrared Spectrometer (AIR-Spec) and the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS). These instruments provide an unprecedented view of the solar corona in two disparate wavelength regimes, the near to mid infrared (IR) and the extreme ultraviolet (EUV), opening new pathways for characterizing the complex coronal plasma environment. During totality, AIR-Spec sampled coronal IR spectra near the equatorial west limb, detecting strong sources of Mg VIII, S XI, Si IX, and Si X in two passbands encompassing 1.4 - 4 $mu$m. We apply emission measure (EM) loci analysis to these IR emission lines to test their capacity as coronal temperature diagnostics. The density-sensitive Fe XII 186.9 r{A}/192.4 r{A} line pair supplies spatially resolved, line-of-sight electron densities, supporting the EM loci analysis. From this, we find EM loci intersections at temperatures of $10^{6.13}$ K at 30 arcsec from the limb and $10^{6.21}$ K at 100 arcsec. Applying the same EM loci analysis to 27 EIS emission lines associated with seven ion species (Fe X-XIV, S X, and Si X) confirms these results, displaying strong evidence of isothermal plasma throughout the region. However, the IR EM loci analysis suffers from moderate uncertainties. The likely sources include: poor signal, infrared contamination from a prominence, and photoexcitation by continuum radiation. Regardless, we demonstrate that EUV spectral data are valuable constraints to coronal infrared emission models, and will be powerful supplements for future IR solar observatories, particularly DKIST.
Non-potential magnetic energy promptly released in solar flares is converted to other forms of energy. This may include nonthermal energy of flare-accelerated particles, thermal energy of heated flaring plasma, and kinetic energy of eruptions, jets, up/down flows, and stochastic (turbulent) plasma motions. The processes or parameters governing partitioning of the released energy between these components is an open question. How these components are distributed between distinct flaring loops and what controls these spatial distributions is also unclear. Here, based on multi-wavelength data and 3D modeling, we quantify the energy partitioning and spatial distribution in the well observed SOL2014-02-16T064620 solar flare of class C1.5. Nonthermal emissions of this flare displayed a simple impulsive single-spike light curves lasting about 20,s. In contrast, the thermal emission demonstrated at least three distinct heating episodes, only one of which was associated with the nonthermal component. The flare was accompanied by up and down flows and substantial turbulent velocities. The results of our analysis suggest that (i) the flare occurs in a multi-loop system that included at least three distinct flux tubes; (ii) the released magnetic energy is divided unevenly between the thermal and nonthermal components in these loops; (iii) only one of these three flaring loops contains an energetically important amount of nonthermal electrons, while two other loops remain thermal; (iv) the amounts of direct plasma heating and that due to nonthermal electron loss are comparable; (v) the kinetic energy in the flare footpoints constitute only a minor fraction compared with the thermal and nonthermal energies.