Real-time spectral analysis of ultrafast pulses using a free-space angular chirp enhanced delay

Abstract in English

Frequency to time mapping is a powerful technique for observing ultrafast phenomena and non-repetitive events in optics. However, many optical sources operate in wavelength regions, or at power levels, that are not compatible with standard frequency to time mapping implementations. The recently developed free-space angular chirp enhanced delay (FACED) removes many of these limitations, and offers a linear frequency to time mapping in any wavelength region where high-reflectivity mirrors and diffractive optics are available. In this work, we present a detailed formulation of the optical transfer function of a FACED device. Experimentally, we verify the properties of this transfer function, and then present simple guidelines to guarantee the correct operation of a FACED frequency to time measurement. We also experimentally demonstrate the real-time spectral analysis of femtosecond and picosecond pulses using this system.
