Beam-deconvolved Planck LFI maps

Abstract in English

The Planck Collaboration made its final data release in 2018. In this paper we describe beam-deconvolution map products made from Planck LFI data using the artDeco deconvolution code to symmetrize the effective beam. The deconvolution results are auxiliary data products, available through the Planck Legacy Archive. Analysis of these deconvolved survey difference maps reveals signs of residual signal in the 30-GHz and 44-GHz frequency channels. We produce low-resolution maps and corresponding noise covariance matrices (NCVMs). The NCVMs agree reasonably well with the half-ring noise estimates except for 44 GHz, where we observe an asymmetry between $EE$ and $BB$ noise spectra, possibly a sign of further unresolved systematics.
