Stimulated Generation of Magnetrons powered below the Self-Excitation Threshold Voltage

Abstract in English

Modern CW or pulsed superconducting accelerators of megawatts beams require efficient RF sources controllable in phase and power. It is desirable to have an individual RF power source with power up to hundreds of kW for each Superconductive RF (SRF) cavity. For pulsed accelerators the pulse duration in millisecond range is required. The efficiency of the traditional RF sources (klystrons, IOTs, solid-state amplifiers) in comparison to magnetrons is lower and the cost of unit of RF power is significantly higher. Typically, the cost of RF sources and their operation is a significant part of the total project cost and operation. The magnetron-based RF sources with a cost of power unit of 1-3 dollars per Watt would significantly reduce the capital and operation costs in comparison with the traditional RF sources. This arouses interest in magnetron RF sources for use in modern accelerators. A recently developed kinetic model describing the principle of magnetron operation and subsequent experiments resulted in an innovative technique producing the stimulated generation of magnetrons powered below the self-excitation threshold voltage. The magnetron operation in this regime is stable, low noise, controllable in phase and power, and provides higher efficiency than other types of RF power sources. It allows operation in CW and pulse modes (at large duty factor). For pulsed operation this technique does not require pulse modulators to form RF pulses. It also looks as a promising opportunity to extend magnetron life time. The developed technique, its experimental verification and a brief explanation of the kinetic model substantiating the technique are presented and discussed in this article.
