Asymptotic estimate of cohomology groups valued in pseudo-effective line bundles

Abstract in English

In this paper, we study questions of Demailly and Matsumura on the asymptotic behavior of dimensions of cohomology groups for high tensor powers of (nef) pseudo-effective line bundles over non-necessarily projective algebraic manifolds. By generalizing Sius $partialoverline{partial}$-formula and Berndtssons eigenvalue estimate of $overline{partial}$-Laplacian and combining Bonaveros technique, we obtain the following result: given a holomorphic pseudo-effective line bundle $(L, h_L)$ on a compact Hermitian manifold $(X,omega)$, if $h_L$ is a singular metric with algebraic singularities, then $dim H^{q}(X,L^kotimes Eotimes mathcal{I}(h_L^{k}))leq Ck^{n-q}$ for $k$ large, with $E$ an arbitrary holomorphic vector bundle. As applications, we obtain partial solutions to the questions of Demailly and Matsumura.
