Orbitally defined field-induced electronic state in a Kondo lattice

Abstract in English

CeRhIn$_{5}$ is a Kondo-lattice prototype in which a magnetic field B$bf{^{ast}simeq}$ 30 T induces an abrupt Fermi-surface (FS) reconstruction and pronounced in-plane electrical transport anisotropy all within its antiferromagnetic state. Though the antiferromagnetic order at zero field is well-understood, the origin of an emergent state at B$^{ast}$ remains unknown due to challenges inherent to probing states microscopically at high fields. Here, we report low-temperature Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) measurements revealing a discontinuous decrease in the $^{115}$In formal Knight shift, without changes in crystal or magnetic structures, of CeRhIn$_{5}$ at fields spanning B$^{ast}$. We show that the emergent state above B$^{ast}$ results from a change in Ces 4f orbitals that arises from field-induced evolution of crystal-electric field (CEF) energy levels. This change in orbital character enhances hybridisation between the 4f and the conduction electrons (c.e.) that leads ultimately to an itinerant quantum-critical point at B$bf{_{c0} simeq}$ 50 T.
