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We propose a deep inverse rendering framework for indoor scenes. From a single RGB image of an arbitrary indoor scene, we create a complete scene reconstruction, estimating shape, spatially-varying lighting, and spatially-varying, non-Lambertian surface reflectance. To train this network, we augment the SUNCG indoor scene dataset with real-world materials and render them with a fast, high-quality, physically-based GPU renderer to create a large-scale, photorealistic indoor dataset. Our inverse rendering network incorporates physical insights -- including a spatially-varying spherical Gaussian lighting representation, a differentiable rendering layer to model scene appearance, a cascade structure to iteratively refine the predictions and a bilateral solver for refinement -- allowing us to jointly reason about shape, lighting, and reflectance. Experiments show that our framework outperforms previous methods for estimating individual scene components, which also enables various novel applications for augmented reality, such as photorealistic object insertion and material editing. Code and data will be made publicly available.
In this work, we address the problem of jointly estimating albedo, normals, depth and 3D spatially-varying lighting from a single image. Most existing methods formulate the task as image-to-image translation, ignoring the 3D properties of the scene. However, indoor scenes contain complex 3D light transport where a 2D representation is insufficient. In this paper, we propose a unified, learning-based inverse rendering framework that formulates 3D spatially-varying lighting. Inspired by classic volume rendering techniques, we propose a novel Volumetric Spherical Gaussian representation for lighting, which parameterizes the exitant radiance of the 3D scene surfaces on a voxel grid. We design a physics based differentiable renderer that utilizes our 3D lighting representation, and formulates the energy-conserving image formation process that enables joint training of all intrinsic properties with the re-rendering constraint. Our model ensures physically correct predictions and avoids the need for ground-truth HDR lighting which is not easily accessible. Experiments show that our method outperforms prior works both quantitatively and qualitatively, and is capable of producing photorealistic results for AR applications such as virtual object insertion even for highly specular objects.
We propose a real-time method to estimate spatiallyvarying indoor lighting from a single RGB image. Given an image and a 2D location in that image, our CNN estimates a 5th order spherical harmonic representation of the lighting at the given location in less than 20ms on a laptop mobile graphics card. While existing approaches estimate a single, global lighting representation or require depth as input, our method reasons about local lighting without requiring any geometry information. We demonstrate, through quantitative experiments including a user study, that our results achieve lower lighting estimation errors and are preferred by users over the state-of-the-art. Our approach can be used directly for augmented reality applications, where a virtual object is relit realistically at any position in the scene in real-time.
Inverse rendering aims to estimate physical attributes of a scene, e.g., reflectance, geometry, and lighting, from image(s). Inverse rendering has been studied primarily for single objects or with methods that solve for only one of the scene attributes. We propose the first learning-based approach that jointly estimates albedo, normals, and lighting of an indoor scene from a single image. Our key contribution is the Residual Appearance Renderer (RAR), which can be trained to synthesize complex appearance effects (e.g., inter-reflection, cast shadows, near-field illumination, and realistic shading), which would be neglected otherwise. This enables us to perform self-supervised learning on real data using a reconstruction loss, based on re-synthesizing the input image from the estimated components. We finetune with real data after pretraining with synthetic data. To this end, we use physically-based rendering to create a large-scale synthetic dataset, which is a significant improvement over prior datasets. Experimental results show that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods that estimate one or more scene attributes.
We present SOLID-Net, a neural network for spatially-varying outdoor lighting estimation from a single outdoor image for any 2D pixel location. Previous work has used a unified sky environment map to represent outdoor lighting. Instead, we generate spatially-varying local lighting environment maps by combining global sky environment map with warped image information according to geometric information estimated from intrinsics. As no outdoor dataset with image and local lighting ground truth is readily available, we introduce the SOLID-Img dataset with physically-based rendered images and their corresponding intrinsic and lighting information. We train a deep neural network to regress intrinsic cues with physically-based constraints and use them to conduct global and local lightings estimation. Experiments on both synthetic and real datasets show that SOLID-Net significantly outperforms previous methods.
We propose DeRenderNet, a deep neural network to decompose the albedo and latent lighting, and render shape-(in)dependent shadings, given a single image of an outdoor urban scene, trained in a self-supervised manner. To achieve this goal, we propose to use the albedo maps extracted from scenes in videogames as direct supervision and pre-compute the normal and shadow prior maps based on the depth maps provided as indirect supervision. Compared with state-of-the-art intrinsic image decomposition methods, DeRenderNet produces shadow-free albedo maps with clean details and an accurate prediction of shadows in the shape-independent shading, which is shown to be effective in re-rendering and improving the accuracy of high-level vision tasks for urban scenes.