Topology change from a monopole to a dipole in Berrys phase

Abstract in English

The smooth topology change of Berrys phase from a Dirac monopole-like configuration to a dipole configuration, when one approaches the monopole position in the parameter space, is analyzed in an exactly solvable model. A novel aspect of Berrys connection ${cal A}_{k}$ is that the geometrical center of the monopole-like configuration and the origin of the Dirac string are displaced in the parameter space. Gauss theorem $int_{S}( ablatimes {cal A})cdot dvec{S}=int_{V} ablacdot ( ablatimes {cal A}) dV=0$ for a volume $V$ which is free of singularities shows that a combination of the monopole-like configuration and the Dirac string is effectively a dipole. The smooth topology change from a dipole to a monopole with a quantized magnetic charge $e_{M}=2pihbar$ takes place when one regards the Dirac string as unobservable if it satisfies the Wu-Yang gauge invariance condition. In the transitional region from a dipole to a monopole, a half-monopole appears with an observable Dirac string, which is analogous to the Aharonov-Bohm phase of an electron for the magnetic flux generated by the Cooper pair condensation. The main topological features of an exactly solvable model are shown to be supported by a generic model of Berrys phase.
