Cut-and-paste for impulsive gravitational waves with $Lambda$: The geometric picture

Abstract in English

Impulsive gravitational waves in Minkowski space were introduced by Roger Penrose at the end of the 1960s, and have been widely studied over the decades. Here we focus on non-expanding waves which later have been generalised to impulses travelling in all constant-curvature backgrounds, that is also the (anti-)de Sitter universe. While Penroses original construction was based on his vivid geometric `scissors-and-paste approach in a flat background, until now a comparably powerful visualisation and understanding have been missing in the ${Lambda ot=0}$ case. In this work we provide such a picture: The (anti-)de Sitter hyperboloid is cut along the null wave surface, and the `halves are then re-attached with a suitable shift of their null generators across the wave surface. This special family of global null geodesics defines an appropriate comoving coordinate system, leading to the continuous form of the metric. Moreover, it provides a complete understanding of the nature of the Penrose junction conditions and their specific form. These findings shed light on recent discussions of the memory effect in impulsive waves.
