A hierarchy of Palm measures for determinantal point processes with gamma kernels

Abstract in English

The gamma kernels are a family of projection kernels $K^{(z,z)}=K^{(z,z)}(x,y)$ on a doubly infinite $1$-dimensional lattice. They are expressed through Eulers gamma function and depend on two continuous parameters $z,z$. The gamma kernels initially arose from a model of random partitions via a limit transition. On the other hand, these kernels are closely related to unitarizable representations of the Lie algebra $mathfrak{su}(1,1)$. Every gamma kernel $K^{(z,z)}$ serves as a correlation kernel for a determinantal measure $M^{(z,z)}$, which lives on the space of infinite point configurations on the lattice. We examine chains of kernels of the form $$ ldots, K^{(z-1,z-1)}, ; K^{(z,z)},; K^{(z+1,z+1)}, ldots, $$ and establish the following hierarchical relations inside any such chain: Given $(z,z)$, the kernel $K^{(z,z)}$ is a one-dimensional perturbation of (a twisting of) the kernel $K^{(z+1,z+1)}$, and the one-point Palm distributions for the measure $M^{(z,z)}$ are absolutely continuous with respect to $M^{(z+1,z+1)}$. We also explicitly compute the corresponding Radon-Nikodym derivatives and show that they are given by certain normalized multiplicative functionals.
