Engineering tunnel junctions on ballistic semiconductor nanowires

Abstract in English

Typical measurements of nanowire devices rely on end-to-end measurements to reveal mesoscopic phenomena such as quantized conductance or Coulomb blockade. However, creating nanoscale tunnel junctions allows one to directly measure other properties such as the density of states or electronic energy distribution functions. In this paper, we demonstrate how to realize uniform tunnel junctions on InSb nanowires, where the low invasiveness preserves ballistic transport in the nanowires. The utility of the tunnel junctions is demonstrated via measurements using a superconducting tunneling probe, which reveal non-equilibrium properties in the open quantum dot regime of an InSb nanowire. The method for high-quality tunnel junction fabrication on InSb nanowires is applicable to other III-V nanowires and allows for new tools to characterize the local density of states.
