Breast Cancer Classification with Ultrasound Images Based on SLIC

Abstract in English

Ultrasound image diagnosis of breast tumors has been widely used in recent years. However, there are some problems of it, for instance, poor quality, intense noise and uneven echo distribution, which has created a huge obstacle to diagnosis. To overcome these problems, we propose a novel method, a breast cancer classification with ultrasound images based on SLIC (BCCUI). We first utilize the Region of Interest (ROI) extraction based on Simple Linear Iterative Clustering (SLIC) algorithm and region growing algorithm to extract the ROI at the super-pixel level. Next, the features of ROI are extracted. Furthermore, the Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier is applied. The calculation states that the accuracy of this segment algorithm is up to 88.00% and the sensitivity of the algorithm is up to 92.05%, which proves that the classifier presents in this paper has certain research meaning and applied worthiness.
