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Gravitational waves from fermion production during axion inflation

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 Added by Michael Roberts
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present analytic results for the gravitational wave power spectrum induced in models where the inflaton is coupled to a fermionic pseudocurrent. We show that although such a coupling creates helically polarized fermions, the polarized component of the resulting gravitational waves is parametrically suppressed with respect to the non-polarized one. We also show that the amplitude of the gravitational wave signal associated to this production cannot exceed that generated by the standard mechanism of amplification of vacuum fluctuations. We previously found that this model allows for a regime in which the backreaction of the produced fermions allows for slow-roll inflation even for a steep inflaton potential, and still leads to Gaussian primordial scalar perturbations. The present analysis shows that this regime also results in a gravitational wave signal compatible with the current bounds.

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We study the production of fermions through a derivative coupling with a pseudoscalar inflaton and the effects of the produced fermions on the scalar primordial perturbations. We present analytic results for the modification of the scalar power spectrum due to the produced fermions, and we estimate the amplitude of the non-Gaussianities in the equilateral regime. Remarkably, we find a regime where the effect of the fermions gives the dominant contribution to the scalar spectrum while the amplitude of the bispectrum is small and in agreement with observation. We also note the existence of a regime in which the backreaction of the fermions on the evolution of the zero-mode of the inflaton can lead to inflation even if the potential of the inflaton is steep and does not satisfy the slow-roll conditions.
We study gravitational wave production from gauge preheating in a variety of inflationary models, detailing its dependence on both the energy scale and the shape of the potential. We show that preheating into Abelian gauge fields generically leads to a large gravitational wave background that contributes significantly to the effective number of relativistic degrees of freedom in the early universe, $N_mathrm{eff}$. We demonstrate that the efficiency of gravitational wave production is correlated with the tensor-to-scalar ratio, $r$. In particular, we show that efficient gauge preheating in models whose tensor-to-scalar ratio would be detected by next-generation cosmic microwave background experiments ($r gtrsim 10^{-3}$) will be either detected through its contribution to $N_mathrm{eff}$ or ruled out. Furthermore, we show that bounds on $N_mathrm{eff}$ provide the most sensitive probe of the possible axial coupling of the inflaton to gauge fields regardless of the potential.
We study derivatively coupled fermions in axion-driven inflation, specifically $m_phi^2phi^2$ and monodromy inflation, and calculate particle production during the inflationary epoch and the post-inflationary axion oscillations. During inflation, the rolling axion acts as an effective chemical potential for helicity which biases the gravitational production of one fermion helicity over the other. This mechanism allows for efficient gravitational production of heavy fermion states that would otherwise be highly suppressed. Following inflation, the axion oscillates and fermions with both helicities are produced as the effective frequency of the fermion field changes non-adiabatically. For certain values of the fermion mass and axion-fermion coupling strength, the two helicity states are produced asymmetrically, resulting in unequal number-densities of left- and right-helicity fermions.
We identify a characteristic pattern in the scalar-induced stochastic gravitational wave background from particle production during inflation. If particle production is sufficiently efficient, the scalar power spectrum exhibits $mathcal{O}(1)$ oscillations periodic in $k$, characteristic of a sharp feature, with an exponentially enhanced envelope. We systematically study the properties of the induced spectrum of gravitational waves sourced after inflation and find that this inherits the periodic structure in $k$, resulting in a peak in the gravitational wave energy density spectrum with $mathcal{O}(10 %)$ modulations. The frequency of the oscillation in the scalar power spectrum is determined by the scale of the feature during inflation and in turn sets the frequency of modulations in the gravitational wave signal. We present an explicit realisation of this phenomenon in the framework of multifield inflation, in the form of a strong sharp turn in the inflationary trajectory. The resulting stochastic background is potentially detectable in future gravitational wave observatories, and considerations of backreaction and perturbativity can be used to constrain the parameter space from the theoretical side. Our work motivates more extensive research linking primordial features to observable properties of the stochastic background of gravitational waves, and dedicated development in data analysis for their detection.
Considering high-energy modifications of Einstein gravity during inflation is an interesting issue. We can constrain the strength of the new gravitational terms through observations of inflationary imprints in the actual universe. In this paper we analyze the effects on slow-roll models due to a Chern-Simons term coupled to the inflaton field through a generic coupling function $f(phi)$. A well known result is the polarization of primordial gravitational waves (PGW) into left and right eigenstates, as a consequence of parity breaking. In such a scenario the modifications to the power spectrum of PGW are suppressed under the conditions that allow to avoid the production of ghost gravitons at a certain energy scale, the so-called Chern-Simons mass $M_{CS}$. In general it has been recently pointed out that there is very little hope to efficiently constrain chirality of PGW on the basis solely of two-point statistics from future CMB data, even in the most optimistic cases. Thus we search if significant parity breaking signatures can arise at least in the bispectrum statistics. We find that the tensor-tensor-scalar bispectra $langle gamma gamma zeta rangle$ for each polarization state are the only ones that are not suppressed. Their amplitude, setting the level of parity breaking during inflation, is proportional to the second derivative of the coupling function $f(phi)$ and they turn out to be maximum in the squeezed limit. We comment on the squeezed-limit consistency relation arising in the case of chiral gravitational waves, and on possible observables to constrain these signatures.
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