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The Differentiable Neural Computer (DNC) can learn algorithmic and question answering tasks. An analysis of its internal activation patterns reveals three problems: Most importantly, the lack of key-value separation makes the address distribution resulting from content-based look-up noisy and flat, since the value influences the score calculation, although only the key should. Second, DNCs de-allocation of memory results in aliasing, which is a problem for content-based look-up. Thirdly, chaining memory reads with the temporal linkage matrix exponentially degrades the quality of the address distribution. Our proposed fixes of these problems yield improved performance on arithmetic tasks, and also improve the mean error rate on the bAbI question answering dataset by 43%.
Neural networks (NNs) whose subnetworks implement reusable functions are expected to offer numerous advantages, including compositionality through efficient recombination of functional building blocks, interpretability, preventing catastrophic interference, etc. Understanding if and how NNs are modular could provide insights into how to improve them. Current inspection methods, however, fail to link modules to their functionality. In this paper, we present a novel method based on learning binary weight masks to identify individual weights and subnets responsible for specific functions. Using this powerful tool, we contribute an extensive study of emerging modularity in NNs that covers several standard architectures and datasets. We demonstrate how common NNs fail to reuse submodules and offer new insights into the related issue of systematic generalization on language tasks.
While gradient descent has proven highly successful in learning connection weights for neural networks, the actual structure of these networks is usually determined by hand, or by other optimization algorithms. Here we describe a simple method to make network structure differentiable, and therefore accessible to gradient descent. We test this method on recurrent neural networks applied to simple sequence prediction problems. Starting with initial networks containing only one node, the method automatically builds networks that successfully solve the tasks. The number of nodes in the final network correlates with task difficulty. The method can dynamically increase network size in response to an abrupt complexification in the task; however, reduction in network size in response to task simplification is not evident for reasonable meta-parameters. The method does not penalize network performance for these test tasks: variable-size networks actually reach better performance than fixed-size networks of higher, lower or identical size. We conclude by discussing how this method could be applied to more complex networks, such as feedforward layered networks, or multiple-area networks of arbitrary shape.
A key feature of intelligent behaviour is the ability to learn abstract strategies that scale and transfer to unfamiliar problems. An abstract strategy solves every sample from a problem class, no matter its representation or complexity -- like algorithms in computer science. Neural networks are powerful models for processing sensory data, discovering hidden patterns, and learning complex functions, but they struggle to learn such iterative, sequential or hierarchical algorithmic strategies. Extending neural networks with external memories has increased their capacities in learning such strategies, but they are still prone to data variations, struggle to learn scalable and transferable solutions, and require massive training data. We present the Neural Harvard Computer (NHC), a memory-augmented network based architecture, that employs abstraction by decoupling algorithmic operations from data manipulations, realized by splitting the information flow and separated modules. This abstraction mechanism and evolutionary training enable the learning of robust and scalable algorithmic solutions. On a diverse set of 11 algorithms with varying complexities, we show that the NHC reliably learns algorithmic solutions with strong generalization and abstraction: perfect generalization and scaling to arbitrary task configurations and complexities far beyond seen during training, and being independent of the data representation and the task domain.
The adaptive changes in synaptic efficacy that occur between spiking neurons have been demonstrated to play a critical role in learning for biological neural networks. Despite this source of inspiration, many learning focused applications using Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) retain static synaptic connections, preventing additional learning after the initial training period. Here, we introduce a framework for simultaneously learning the underlying fixed-weights and the rules governing the dynamics of synaptic plasticity and neuromodulated synaptic plasticity in SNNs through gradient descent. We further demonstrate the capabilities of this framework on a series of challenging benchmarks, learning the parameters of several plasticity rules including BCM, Ojas, and their respective set of neuromodulatory variants. The experimental results display that SNNs augmented with differentiable plasticity are sufficient for solving a set of challenging temporal learning tasks that a traditional SNN fails to solve, even in the presence of significant noise. These networks are also shown to be capable of producing locomotion on a high-dimensional robotic learning task, where near-minimal degradation in performance is observed in the presence of novel conditions not seen during the initial training period.
In the domain of machine learning, Neural Memory Networks (NMNs) have recently achieved impressive results in a variety of application areas including visual question answering, trajectory prediction, object tracking, and language modelling. However, we observe that the attention based knowledge retrieval mechanisms used in current NMNs restricts them from achieving their full potential as the attention process retrieves information based on a set of static connection weights. This is suboptimal in a setting where there are vast differences among samples in the data domain; such as anomaly detection where there is no consistent criteria for what constitutes an anomaly. In this paper, we propose a plastic neural memory access mechanism which exploits both static and dynamic connection weights in the memory read, write and output generation procedures. We demonstrate the effectiveness and flexibility of the proposed memory model in three challenging anomaly detection tasks in the medical domain: abnormal EEG identification, MRI tumour type classification and schizophrenia risk detection in children. In all settings, the proposed approach outperforms the current state-of-the-art. Furthermore, we perform an in-depth analysis demonstrating the utility of neural plasticity for the knowledge retrieval process and provide evidence on how the proposed memory model generates sparse yet informative memory outputs.