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We propose a categorical foundation for the connection between pure and mixed states in quantum information and quantum computation. The foundation is based on distributive monoidal categories. First, we prove that the category of all quantum channels is a canonical completion of the category of pure quantum operations (with ancilla preparations). More precisely, we prove that the category of completely positive trace-preserving maps between finite-dimensional C*-algebras is a canonical completion of the category of finite-dimensional vector spaces and isometries. Second, we extend our result to give a foundation to the topological relationships between quantum channels. We do this by generalizing our categorical foundation to the topologically-enriched setting. In particular, we show that the operator norm topology on quantum channels is the canonical topology induced by the norm topology on isometries.
When working with distant collaborators on the same documents, one often uses a version control system, which is a program tracking the history of files and helping importing modifications brought by others as patches. The implementation of such a system requires to handle lots of situations depending on the operations performed by users on files, and it is thus difficult to ensure that all the corner cases have been correctly addressed. Here, instead of verifying the implementation of such a system, we adopt a complementary approach: we introduce a theoretical model, which is defined abstractly by the universal property that it should satisfy, and work out a concrete description of it. We begin by defining a category of files and patches, where the operation of merging the effect of two coinitial patches is defined by pushout. Since two patches can be incompatible, such a pushout does not necessarily exist in the category, which raises the question of which is the correct category to represent and manipulate files in conflicting state. We provide an answer by investigating the free completion of the category of files under finite colimits, and give an explicit description of this category: its objects are finite sets labeled by lines equipped with a transitive relation and morphisms are partial functions respecting labeling and relations.
In this short paper, using category theory, we argue that logical rules can be seen as fractions and logics as limit sketches.
Deduction systems and graph rewriting systems are compared within a common categorical framework. This leads to an improved deduction method in diagrammatic logics.
We give a complete presentation for the fragment, ZX&, of the ZX-calculus generated by the Z and X spiders (corresponding to copying and addition) along with the not gate and the and gate. To prove completeness, we freely add a unit and counit to the category TOF generated by the Toffoli gate and ancillary bits, showing that this yields the full subcategory of finite ordinals and functions with objects powers of two; and then perform a two way translation between this category and ZX&. A translation to some extension of TOF, as opposed to some fragment of the ZX-calculus, is a natural choice because of the multiplicative nature of the Toffoli gate. To this end, we show that freely adding counits to the semi-Frobenius algebras of a discrete inverse category is the same as constructing the Cartesian completion. In particular, for a discrete inverse category, the category of classical channels, the Cartesian completion and adding counits all produce the same category. Therefore, applying these constructions to TOF produces the full subcategory of finite ordinals and partial maps with objects powers of two. By glueing together the free counit completion and the free unit completion, this yields qubit multirelations.
We provide an algebraic formulation of C.Rovellis relational quantum theory that is based on suitable notions of non-commutative higher operator categories, originally developed in the study of categorical non-commutative geometry. As a way to implement C.Rovellis original intuition on the relational origin of space-time, in the context of our proposed algebraic approach to quantum gravity via Tomita-Takesaki modular theory, we tentatively suggest to use this categorical formalism in order to spectrally reconstruct non-commutative relational space-time geometries from categories of correlation bimodules between operator algebras of observables. Parts of this work are joint collaborations with: Dr.Roberto Conti (Sapienza Universita di Roma), Assoc.Prof.Wicharn Lewkeeratiyutkul (Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok), Dr.Rachel Dawe Martins (Istituto Superior Tecnico, Lisboa), Dr.Matti Raasakka (Paris 13 University), Dr.Noppakhun Suthichitranont.