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The aim of this work is to shed light on some lesser known aspects of Polyakov-loop--extended chiral models (namely the Polyakov-loop extended Nambu--Jona-Lasinio and Quark-Meson models), especially on the correlation of the quark sector with the Polyakov loop. We show that the ordering of chiral and Polyakov-loop transitions and their difference in temperature as seen in lattice QCD calculations could be realized with a critical scale of the Polyakov-loop potential that is larger than the one in pure gauge theory. The comparison of the results for the Polyakov-loop susceptibility obtained using the self-consistent medium-dependent quark mass with those obtained while keeping these masses at a fixed value allows to disentangle chiral-symmetry restoration and center-symmetry breaking effects. Furthermore, a confined chirally restored phase is identified by a plateau in the quark contribution to thermodynamics and by sigma and pion spectral functions that coincide but have a small width. We also discuss that, for some large chemical potential values, the explicit center-symmetry breaking is so strong that statistical deconfinement is realized at infinitely small temperatures. Both the missing sensitivity of the Polyakov loop to the quark mass, except at close to the chiral transition, and the Polyakov loop being zero at zero temperature at all chemical potentials, can be interpreted as indications of a missing mechanism which accounts for the quark back-reaction on the Polyakov loop.
We investigate the quark backreaction on the Polyakov loop and its impact on the thermodynamics of quantum chromodynamics. The dynamics of the gluons generating the Polyakov-loop potential is altered by the presence of dynamical quarks. However, this backreaction of the quarks has not yet been taken into account in Polyakov-loop extended model studies. In the present work, we show within a 2+1 flavour Polyakov-quark-meson model that a quark-improved Polyakov-loop potential leads to a smoother transition between the low-temperature hadronic phase and the high-temperature quark-gluon plasma phase. In particular, we discuss the dependence of our results on the remaining uncertainties that are the critical temperature and the parametrisation of the Polyakov-loop potential as well as the mass of the sigma-meson.
Three-quark potentials are studied in great details in the three-dimensional $SU(3)$ pure gauge theory at finite temperature, for the cases of static sources in the fundamental and adjoint representations. For this purpose, the corresponding Polyakov loop model in its simplest version is adopted. The potentials in question, as well as the conventional quark--anti-quark potentials, are calculated numerically both in the confinement and deconfinement phases. Results are compared to available analytical predictions at strong coupling and in the limit of large number of colors $N$. The three-quark potential is tested against the expected $Delta$ and $Y$ laws and the $3q$ string tension entering these laws is compared to the conventional $qbar{q}$ string tension. As a byproduct of this investigation, essential features of the critical behaviour across the deconfinement transition are elucidated.
We study genuine finite density effects in QCD-like theories with three-dimensional Polyakov-loop effective theories for heavy quarks. These are derived from the full QCD-like theories by combined strong-coupling and hopping expansions. In particular, we investigate the cold and dense regimes of phase diagrams where we expect to find Bose-Einstein-condensation of diquark baryons or a fermionic first-order liquid-gas transition, depending on the gauge group of the theory. In two-color QCD, for example, we observe evidence of a continuous zero-temperature transition to finite diquark density when the quark chemical potential $mu$ reaches half the diquark mass, i.e. without binding energy. In G$_2$-QCD we observe, in addition to this Silver Blaze onset of diquark density, a second transition in the density towards an exponential increase by roughly $3mu/T$ corresponding to a finite density of G$_2$-nucleons.
We analyse the role of the quark backreaction on the gauge-field dynamics and its impact on the Polyakov-loop potential. Based on our analysis we construct an improved Polyakov-loop potential that can be used in future model studies. In the present work, we employe this improved potential in a study of a 2+1 flavour Polyakov-quark-meson model and show that the temperature dependence of the order parameters and thermodynamics is closer to full QCD. We discuss the results for QCD thermodynamics and outline briefly the dependence of our results on the critical temperature and the parametrisation of the Polyakov-loop potential as well as the mass of the sigma-meson.
Unquenching of the Polyakov-loop potential showed to be an important improvement for the description of the phase structure and thermodynamics of strongly-interacting matter at zero quark chemical potentials with Polyakov-loop extended chiral models. This work constitutes the first application of the quark backreaction on the Polyakov-loop potential at nonzero density. The observation is that it links the chiral and deconfinement phase transition also at small temperatures and large quark chemical potentials. The build up of the surface tension in the Polyakov-loop extended Quark-Meson model is explored by investigating the two and 2+1-flavour Quark-Meson model and analysing the impact of the Polyakov-loop extension. In general, the order of magnitude of the surface tension is given by the chiral phase transition. The coupling of the chiral and deconfinement transition with the unquenched Polyakov-loop potential leads to the fact that the Polyakov-loop contributes at all temperatures.