Gotta Catch Em All: Using Honeypots to Catch Adversarial Attacks on Neural Networks

Abstract in English

Deep neural networks (DNN) are known to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks. Numerous efforts either try to patch weaknesses in trained models, or try to make it difficult or costly to compute adversarial examples that exploit them. In our work, we explore a new honeypot approach to protect DNN models. We intentionally inject trapdoors, honeypot weaknesses in the classification manifold that attract attackers searching for adversarial examples. Attackers optimization algorithms gravitate towards trapdoors, leading them to produce attacks similar to trapdoors in the feature space. Our defense then identifies attacks by comparing neuron activation signatures of inputs to those of trapdoors. In this paper, we introduce trapdoors and describe an implementation of a trapdoor-enabled defense. First, we analytically prove that trapdoors shape the computation of adversarial attacks so that attack inputs will have feature representations very similar to those of trapdoors. Second, we experimentally show that trapdoor-protected models can detect, with high accuracy, adversarial examples generated by state-of-the-art attacks (PGD, optimization-based CW, Elastic Net, BPDA), with negligible impact on normal classification. These results generalize across classification domains, including image, facial, and traffic-sign recognition. We also present significant results measuring trapdoors robustness against customized adaptive attacks (countermeasures).
