Non-equilibrium Greens function predictions of band tails and band gap narrowing in III-V semiconductors and nanodevices

Abstract in English

High-doping induced Urbach tails and band gap narrowing play a significant role in determining the performance of tunneling devices and optoelectronic devices such as tunnel field-effect transistors (TFETs), Esaki diodes and light-emitting diodes. In this work, Urbach tails and band gap narrowing values are calculated explicitly for GaAs, InAs, GaSb and GaN as well as ultra-thin bodies and nanowires of the same. Electrons are solved in the non-equilibrium Greens function method in multi-band atomistic tight binding. Scattering on polar optical phonons and charged impurities is solved in the self-consistent Born approximation. The corresponding nonlocal scattering self-energies as well as their numerically efficient formulations are introduced for ultra-thin bodies and nanowires. Predicted Urbach band tails and conduction band gap narrowing agree well with experimental literature for a range of temperatures and doping concentrations. Polynomial fits of the Urbach tail and band gap narrowing as a function of doping are tabulated for quick reference.
