A model of dynamical SUSY breaking

Abstract in English

Supersymmetric (SUSY) models and dynamical breaking of symmetries have been used to explain hierarchies of mass scales. We find that a chiral representation, $overline{bf 10}, oplus, overline{bf 5}, oplus, 2cdot{bf 5}$ in SUSY SU(5) in the hidden sector, breaks global SUSY dynamically, by producing a composite field $phi$ below the SU(5) confinement scale. This dynamincal SUSY breaking can have two important applications, one in particle physics and the other in cosmology. Gavitational effects transmit this dynamical breaking to the standard model(SM) superpartners and the quintessential vacuum energy. The SM superpartners feel the effects just by the magnitude of the gravitino mass while the smallness of the quintessential vacuum energy is due to the composite nature of a singlet field $phi$. The composite $phi$ carries a global charge which is hardly broken in SUSY and hence its phase can be used toward a quintessential axion for dark energy of the Universe.
