On a lattice characterization of finite soluble $PST$-groups

Abstract in English

Let $mathfrak{F}$ be a class of finite groups and $G$ a finite group. Let ${cal L}_{mathfrak{F}}(G)$ be the set of all subgroups $A$ of $G$ with $A^{G}/A_{G}in mathfrak{F}$. A chief factor $H/K$ of $G$ is $mathfrak{F}$-central in $G$ if $(H/K)rtimes (G/C_{G}(H/K)) inmathfrak{F}$. We study the structure of $G$ under the hypothesis that every chief factor of $G$ between $A_{G}$ and $A^{G}$ is $mathfrak{F}$-central in $G$ for every subgroup $Ain {cal L}_{mathfrak{F}}(G)$. As an application, we prove that a finite soluble group $G$ is a $PST$-group if and only if $A^{G}/A_{G}leq Z_{infty}(G/A_{G})$ for every subgroup $Ain {cal L}_{mathfrak{N}}(G)$, where $mathfrak{N}$ is the class of all nilpotent groups.
