Microwave Meissner Screening of Proximity coupled Topological Insulator / Superconductor Bilayers

Abstract in English

The proximity coupled topological insulator / superconductor (TI/SC) bilayer system is a representative system to realize topological superconductivity. In order to better understand this unique state and design devices from the TI/SC bilayer, a comprehensive understanding of the microscopic properties of the bilayer is required. In this work, a microwave Meissner screening study, which exploits a high-precision microwave resonator technique, is conducted on the SmB6/YB6 thin film bilayers as an example TI/SC system. The study reveals spatially dependent electrodynamic screening response of the TI/SC system that is not accessible to other techniques, from which the corresponding microscopic properties of a TI/SC bilayer can be obtained. The TI thickness dependence of the effective penetration depth suggests the existence of a bulk insulating region in the TI layer. The spatially dependent electrodynamic screening model analysis provides an estimate for the characteristic lengths of the TI/SC bilayer: normal penetration depth, normal coherence length, and the thickness of the surface states. We also discuss implications of these characteristic lengths on the design of a vortex Majorana device such as the radius of the vortex core, the energy splitting due to intervortex tunneling, and the minimum thickness required for a device.
