Carbon nanotube array as a van der Waals two-dimensional hyperbolic material

Abstract in English

We use an ab-initio approach to design and study a novel two-dimensional material - a planar array of carbon nanotubes separated by an optimal distance defined by the van der Waals interaction. We show that the energy spectrum for an array of quasi-metallic nanotubes is described by a strongly anisotropic hyperbolic dispersion and formulate a model low-energy Hamiltonian for its semi-analytical treatment. Periodic-potential-induced lifting of the valley degeneracy for an array of zigzag narrow-gap nanotubes leads to the band gap collapse. In contrast, the band gap is opened in an array of gapless armchair tubes. These unusual spectra, marked by pronounced van Hove singularities in the low-energy density of states, open the opportunity for interesting physical effects and prospective optoelectronic applications.
