On Entanglement Entropy of Maxwell fields in 3+1 dimensions

Abstract in English

We consider entanglement entropy between two halves of space separated by a plane, in the theory of free photon in 3+1 dimensions. We show how to separate local gauge invariant quantities that belong to the two spatial regions. We calculate the entanglement entropy by integrating over the degrees of freedom in one half space using an approximation that assumes slow variation of the magnetic fields in longitudinal direction. We find that the entropy is proportional to the transverse area as expected. Interestingly the entanglement properties of the 2D transverse and longitudinal modes of magnetic field are quite different. While the transverse fields are entangled mostly in the neighborhood of the separation surface as expected, the longitudinal fields are entangled through an infrared mode which extends to large distances from the entanglement surface. This long range entanglement arises due to necessity to solve the no-monopole constraint condition for magnetic field.
