The Minimal Simple Composite Higgs Model

Abstract in English

Most of the analysis of composite Higgs have focussed on the Minimal Composite Higgs Model, based on the coset SO(5)$times$U(1)$_X$/SO(4)$times$U(1)$_X$. We consider a model based on the coset of simple groups SO(7)/SO(6), with SO(4)$times$U(1)$_X$ embedded into SO(6). This extension of the minimal model leads to a new complex pNGB that has hypercharge and is a singlet of SU(2)$_L$, with properties mostly determined by the pattern of symmetry breaking and a mass of order TeV. Composite electroweak unification also leads to new bosonic and fermion resonances with exotic charges, not present in the minimal model. The lightest of these resonances is stable, and in some cases could provide candidates for dark matter. A new rich phenomenology is expected at LHC.
