Transport and chaos in lattice Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models

Abstract in English

We compute the transport and chaos properties of lattices of quantum Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev islands coupled by single fermion hopping, and with the islands coupled to a large number of local, low energy phonons. We find two distinct regimes of linear-in-temperature ($T$) resistivity, and describe the crossover between them. When the electron-phonon coupling is weak, we obtain the `incoherent metal regime, where there is near-maximal chaos with front propagation at a butterfly velocity $v_B$, and the associated diffusivity $D_{rm chaos} = v_B^2/(2 pi T)$ closely tracks the energy diffusivity. On the other hand, when the electron-phonon coupling is strong, and the linear resistivity is largely due to near-elastic scattering of electrons off nearly free phonons, we find that the chaos is far from maximal and spreads diffusively. We also describe the crossovers to low $T$ regimes where the electronic quasiparticles are well defined.
