ewN2HDECAY - A program for the Calculation of Electroweak One-Loop Corrections to Higgs Decays in the Next-to-Minimal Two-Higgs-Doublet Model Including State-of-the-Art QCD Corrections

Abstract in English

We present in this paper our new program package ewN2HDECAY for the calculation of the partial decay widths and branching ratios of the Higgs bosons of the Next-to-Minimal 2-Higgs Doublet Model (N2HDM). The N2HDM is based on a general CP-conserving 2HDM which is extended by a real scalar singlet field. The program computes the complete electroweak one-loop corrections to all non-loop-induced two-body on-shell Higgs boson decays in the N2HDM and combines them with the state-of-the-art QCD corrections that are already implemented in the existing program N2HDECAY. Most of the independent input parameters of the electroweak sector of the N2HDM are renormalized in an on-shell scheme. The soft-$mathbb{Z}_2$-breaking squared mass scale $m_{12}^2$ and the vacuum expectation value $v_S$ of the $SU(2)_L$ singlet field, however, are renormalized with $overline{text{MS}}$ conditions, while for the four scalar mixing angles $alpha _i$ ($i=1,2,3$) and $beta$ of the N2HDM, several different renormalization schemes are applied. By giving out the leading-order and the loop-corrected partial decay widths separately from the branching ratios, the program ewN2HDECAY not only allows for phenomenological analyses of the N2HDM at highest precision, it can also be used for a study of the impact of the electroweak corrections and the remaining theoretical uncertainty due to missing higher-order corrections based on a change of the renormalization scheme. The input parameters are then consistently calculated with a parameter conversion routine when switching from one renormalization scheme to the other. The latest version of the program ewN2HDECAY can be downloaded from the URL href{https://github.com/marcel-krause/ewN2HDECAY}{https://github.com/marcel-krause/ewN2HDECAY}.
