Ruthenium compounds play prominent roles in materials research ranging from oxide electronics to catalysis, and serve as a platform for fundamental concepts such as spin-triplet superconductivity, Kitaev spin-liquids, and solid-state analogues of the Higgs mode in particle physics. However, basic questions about the electronic structure of ruthenates remain unanswered, because several key parameters (including the Hunds-rule, spin-orbit, and exchange interactions) are comparable in magnitude, and their interplay is poorly understood - partly due to difficulties in synthesizing sizable single crystals for spectroscopic experiments. Here we introduce a resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) technique capable of probing collective modes in microcrystals of $4d$-electron materials. We present a comprehensive set of data on spin waves and spin-state transitions in the honeycomb antiferromagnet SrRu$_{2}$O$_{6}$, which possesses an unusually high Neel temperature. The new RIXS method provides fresh insight into the unconventional magnetism of SrRu$_{2}$O$_{6}$, and enables momentum-resolved spectroscopy of a large class of $4d$ transition-metal compounds.