$sigma$-Continuous functions and related cardinal characteristics of the continuum

Abstract in English

A function $f:Xto Y$ between topological spaces is called $sigma$-$continuous$ (resp. $barsigma$-$continuous$) if there exists a (closed) cover ${X_n}_{ninomega}$ of $X$ such that for every $ninomega$ the restriction $f{restriction}X_n$ is continuous. By $mathfrak c_sigma$ (resp. $mathfrak c_{barsigma}$) we denote the largest cardinal $kappalemathfrak c$ such that every function $f:Xtomathbb R$ defined on a subset $Xsubsetmathbb R$ of cardinality $|X|<kappa$ is $sigma$-continuous (resp. $barsigma$-continuous). It is clear that $omega_1lemathfrak c_{barsigma}lemathfrak c_sigmalemathfrak c$. We prove that $mathfrak plemathfrak q_0=mathfrak c_{barsigma}=min{mathfrak c_sigma,mathfrak b,mathfrak q}lemathfrak c_sigmalemin{mathrm{non}(mathcal M),mathrm{non}(mathcal N)}$. The equality $mathfrak c_{barsigma}=mathfrak q_0$ resolves a problem from the initial version of the paper.
