CEP-stable high-energy ytterbium doped fiber amplifier

Abstract in English

We report on the CEP stabilization of an Yb-doped fiber amplifier system delivering 30 microjoules, 100 fs pulses at 100 kHz repetition rate. A single shot, every shot, measurement of the CEP stability based on a simple f-2f interferometer is performed, yielding a CEP standard deviation of 320 mrad rms over 1 s. Long-term stability is also assessed, with 380 mrad measured over one hour. This level of performance is allowed by a hybrid architecture including a passively CEP-stabilized front-end based on difference frequency generation, and an active CEP stabilization loop for the fiber amplifier system, acting on a telecom-grade integrated LiNbO3 phase modulator. These results demonstrate the full compatibility of Yb-doped high repetition rate laser for attoscience.
