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Spectral Walls in Soliton Collisions

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 Added by Christoph Adam
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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During defect-antidefect scattering, bound modes frequently disappear into the continuous spectrum before the defects themselves collide. This leads to a structural, nonperturbative change in the spectrum of small excitations. Sometimes the effect can be seen as a hard wall from which the defect can bounce off. We show the existence of these spectral walls and study their properties in the $phi^4$ model with BPS preserving impurity, where the spectral wall phenomenon can be isolated because the static force between the antikink and the impurity vanishes. We conclude that such spectral walls should surround all solitons possessing internal modes.

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We show that spectral walls are common phenomena in the dynamics of kinks in (1+1) dimensions. They occur in models based on two or more scalar fields with a nonempty Bogomolnyi-Prasam-Sommerfield (BPS) sector, hosting two zero modes, where they are one of the main factors governing the soliton dynamics. We also show that spectral walls appear as singularities of the dynamical vibrational moduli space.
252 - R. Maldonado , R. S. Ward 2014
The moduli space of centred Bogomolny-Prasad-Sommmerfield 2-monopole fields is a 4-dimensional manifold M with a natural metric, and the geodesics on M correspond to slow-motion monopole dynamics. The best-known case is that of monopoles on R^3, where M is the Atiyah-Hitchin space. More recently, the case of monopoles periodic in one direction (monopole chains) was studied a few years ago. Our aim in this note is to investigate M for doubly-periodic fields, which may be visualized as monopole walls. We identify some of the geodesics on M as fixed-point sets of discrete symmetries, and interpret these in terms of monopole scattering and bound orbits, concentrating on novel features that arise as a consequence of the periodicity.
We consider different methods of calculating the (fractional) fermion number of solitons based on the heat kernel expansion. We derive a formula for the localized eta function a more systematic version of the derivative expansion for spectral assymmetry and that provides a more systematic version of the derivative expansion for spectral asymmetry and compute the fermion number in a multiflavour extension of the Goldstone-Wilczek model.We also propose an improved expansionof the heat kernelthat allows the tackling ofthe convergence issues and permits an automated computation of the coefficients
We demonstrate that for some certain values of parameters of the $(1+1)$-dimensional $varphi^8$ model, the kink solutions can be found from polynomial equations. For some selected values of the parameters we give the explicit formulas for the kinks in all topological sectors of the model. Based on the obtained algebraic equations, we show that in a special limiting case, kinks with power-law asymptotics arise in the model, describing, in particular, thick domain walls. Objects of this kind could be of interest for modern cosmology.
We study kink-antikink scattering in a one-parameter variant of the $phi^4$ theory where the model parameter controls the static intersoliton force. We interpolate between the limit of no static force (BPS limit) and the regime where the static interaction is small (non-BPS). This allows us to study the impact of the strength of the intersoliton static force on the soliton dynamics. In particular, we analyze how the transition of a bound mode through the mass threshold affects the soliton dynamics in a generic process, i.e., when a static intersoliton force shows up. We show that the thin, precisely localized spectral wall which forms in the limit of no static force, broadens in a well-defined manner when a static force is included, giving rise to what we will call a thick spectral wall. This phenomenon just requires that a discrete mode crosses into the continuum at some intermediate stage of the dynamics and, therefore, should be observable in many soliton-antisoliton collisions.
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