High-temperature-grown buffer layer boosts electron mobility in epitaxial La-doped BaSnO$_3$/SrZrO$_3$ heterostructures

Abstract in English

By inserting a SrZrO$_3$ buffer layer between the film and the substrate, we demonstrate a significant reduction of the threading dislocation density with an associated improvement of the electron mobility in La:BaSnO$_3$ films. A room temperature mobility of 140 cm$^2$ V$^{-1}text{s}^{-1}$ is achieved for 25-nm-thick films without any post-growth treatment. The density of threading dislocations is only $4.9times 10^{9}$ cm$^{-2}$ for buffered films prepared on (110) TbScO$_3$ substrates by pulsed laser deposition.
