Machine Learning Reveals the State of Intermittent Frictional Dynamics in a Sheared Granular Fault

Abstract in English

Seismogenic plate boundaries are presumed to behave in a similar manner to a densely packed granular medium, where fault and blocks systems rapidly rearrange the distribution of forces within themselves, as particles do in slowly sheared granular systems. We use machine learning and show that statistical features of velocity signals from individual particles in a simulated sheared granular fault contain information regarding the instantaneous global state of intermittent frictional stick-slip dynamics. We demonstrate that combining features built from the signals of more particles can improve the accuracy of the global model, and discuss the physical basis behind decrease in error. We show that the statistical features such as median and higher moments of the signals that represent the particle displacement in the direction of shearing are among the best predictive features. Our work provides novel insights into the applications of machine learning in studying frictional processes that take place in geophysical systems.
