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Drift instabilities in thin current sheets using a two-fluid model with pressure tensor effects

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 Added by Jonathan Ng
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The integration of kinetic effects in fluid models is important for global simulations of the Earths magnetosphere. We use a two-fluid ten moment model, which includes the pressure tensor and has been used to study reconnection, to study the drift kink and lower hybrid drift instabilities. Using a nonlocal linear eigenmode analysis, we find that for the kink mode, the ten moment model shows good agreement with kinetic calculations with the same closure model used in reconnection simulations, while the electromagnetic and electrostatic lower hybrid instabilities require modeling the effects of the ion resonance using a Landau fluid closure. Comparisons with kinetic simulations and the implications of the results for global magnetospheric simulations are discussed.

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124 - Lei Ni , Ilia I.Roussev , Jun Lin 2013
In this paper we investigate, by means of two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations, the impact of temperature-dependent resistivity and thermal conduction on the development of plasmoid instabilities in reconnecting current sheets in the solar corona. We find that the plasma temperature in the current sheet region increases with time and it becomes greater than that in the inflow region. As secondary magnetic islands appear, the highest temperature is not always found at the reconnection $X$-points, but also inside the secondary islands. One of the effects of anisotropic thermal conduction is to decrease the temperature of the reconnecting $X-$points and transfer the heat into the $O-$points, the plasmoids, where it gets trapped. In the cases with temperature-dependent magnetic diffusivity, $eta sim T^{-3/2}$, the decrease in plasma temperature at the $X-$points leads to: (i) increase in the magnetic diffusivity until the characteristic time for magnetic diffusion becomes comparable to that of thermal conduction; (ii) increase in the reconnection rate; and, (iii) more efficient conversion of magnetic energy into thermal energy and kinetic energy of bulk motions. These results provide further explanation of the rapid release of magnetic energy into heat and kinetic energy seen during flares and coronal mass ejections. In this work, we demonstrate that the consideration of anisotropic thermal conduction and Spitzer-type, temperature-dependent magnetic diffusivity, as in the real solar corona, are crucially important for explaining the occurrence of fast reconnection during solar eruptions.
A 2D linear theory of the instability of Sweet-Parker (SP) current sheets is developed in the framework of Reduced MHD. A local analysis is performed taking into account the dependence of a generic equilibrium profile on the outflow coordinate. The plasmoid instability [Loureiro et al, Phys. Plasmas {bf 14}, 100703 (2007)] is recovered, i.e., current sheets are unstable to the formation of a large-wave-number chain of plasmoids ($k_{rm max}Lsheet sim S^{3/8}$, where $k_{rm max}$ is the wave-number of fastest growing mode, $S=Lsheet V_A/eta$ is the Lundquist number, $Lsheet$ is the length of the sheet, $V_A$ is the Alfven speed and $eta$ is the plasma resistivity), which grows super-Alfvenically fast ($gmaxtau_Asim S^{1/4}$, where $gmax$ is the maximum growth rate, and $tau_A=Lsheet/V_A$). For typical background profiles, the growth rate and the wave-number are found to {it increase} in the outflow direction. This is due to the presence of another mode, the Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) instability, which is triggered at the periphery of the layer, where the outflow velocity exceeds the Alfven speed associated with the upstream magnetic field. The KH instability grows even faster than the plasmoid instability, $gmax tau_A sim k_{rm max} Lsheetsim S^{1/2}$. The effect of viscosity ($ u$) on the plasmoid instability is also addressed. In the limit of large magnetic Prandtl numbers, $Pm= u/eta$, it is found that $gmaxsim S^{1/4}Pm^{-5/8}$ and $k_{rm max} Lsheetsim S^{3/8}Pm^{-3/16}$, leading to the prediction that the critical Lundquist number for plasmoid instability in the $Pmgg1$ regime is $Scritsim 10^4Pm^{1/2}$. These results are verified via direct numerical simulation of the linearized equations, using a new, analytical 2D SP equilibrium solution.
We develop a framework for studying the statistical properties of current sheets in numerical simulations of 3D magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence. We describe an algorithm that identifies current sheets in a simulation snapshot and then determines their geometrical properties (including length, width, and thickness) and intensities (peak current density and total energy dissipation rate). We then apply this procedure to simulations of reduced MHD turbulence and perform a statistical analysis on the obtained population of current sheets. We evaluate the role of reconnection by separately studying the populations of current sheets which contain magnetic X-points and those which do not. We find that the statistical properties of the two populations are different in general. We compare the scaling of these properties to phenomenological predictions obtained for the inertial range of MHD turbulence. Finally, we test whether the reconnecting current sheets are consistent with the Sweet-Parker model.
The stabilization of tearing modes with rf waves is subject to a nonlinear effect, termed rf current condensation, that has the potential to greatly enhance and localize current driven within magnetic islands. Here we extend previous investigations of this effect with a two fluid model that captures the balance of diffusive and thermal equilibration processes within the island. We show that the effective power, and resulting strength of the condensation effect, can be greatly enhanced by avoiding collisional heat loss to the ions. The relative impact of collisions on the overall power balance within the island depends on the ratio of the characteristic diffusion time scale and the electron-ion equilibration time, rather than the latter alone. Although relative heat loss to ions increases with island size, the heating efficiency does as well. In particular, we show that the latter safely dominates for large deposition profiles, as is typically the case for LHCD. This supports the possibility of passive stabilization of NTMs, without the precise aiming of the rf waves required for ECCD stabilization.
108 - N. F. Loureiro 2007
Current sheets formed in magnetic reconnection events are found to be unstable to high-wavenumber perturbations. The instability is very fast: its maximum growth rate scales as S^{1/4} v_A/L, where L is the length of the sheet, v_A the Alfven speed and S the Lundquist number. As a result, a chain of plasmoids (secondary islands) is formed, whose number scales as S^{3/8}.
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