Electrical suppression of spin relaxation in GaAs(111)B Quantum Wells

Abstract in English

Spin dephasing via the spin-orbit interaction (SOI) is a major mechanism limiting the electron spin lifetime in III-V zincblende quantum wells. The dephasing can be suppressed in GaAs(111) quantum wells by applying an electric field. The suppression has been attributed to the compensation of the intrinsic SOI associated by the bulk inversion asymmetry (BIA) of the GaAs lattice by a structural induced asymmetry (SIA) SOI term induced by an electric field. We provide direct experimental evidence for this mechanism by demonstrating the transition between the BIA-dominated to a SIA-dominated regime via photoluminescence measurements carried out over a wide range of applied fields. Spin lifetimes exceeding 100~ns are obtained near the compensating electric field, thus making GaAs (111) QWs excellent candidates for the electrical storage and manipulation of spins.
