The Scientific Context of WFIRST Microlensing in the 2020s

Abstract in English

[abridged] WFIRST is uniquely capable of finding planets with masses as small as Mars at separations comparable to Jupiter, i.e., beyond the current ice lines of their stars. These planets fall between the close-in planets found by Kepler and the wide separation gas giants seen by direct imaging and ice giants inferred from ALMA observations. Furthermore, the smallest planets WFIRST can detect are smaller than the planets probed by RV and Gaia at comparable separations. Interpreting planet populations to infer the underlying formation and evolutionary processes requires combining results from multiple detection methods to measure the full variation of planets as a function of planet size, orbital separation, and host star mass. Microlensing is the only way to find planets from 0.5 to 5M_E at 1 to 5au. The case for a microlensing survey from space has not changed in the past 20 yrs: space allows wide-field diffraction-limited observations that resolve main-sequence stars in the bulge, which allows the detection and characterization of the smallest signals including those from planets with masses at least as small as Mars. What has changed is that ground-based (GB) microlensing is reaching its limits, underscoring the scientific necessity for a space-based survey. GB microlensing has found a break in the mass-ratio distribution at about a Neptune, implying that these are the most common microlensing planet and that planets smaller than this are rare. However, GB microlensing reaches its detection limits only slightly below the observed break. WFIRST will measure the shape of the mass-ratio function below the break by finding numerous smaller planets: 500 Neptunes, 600 gas giants, 200 Earths, and planets as small as 0.1M_E. Because it will also measure host masses and distances, WFIRST will also track the behavior of the planet distribution as a function of separation and host star mass.
