Parameter Synthesis for Markov Models

Abstract in English

Markov chain analysis is a key technique in reliability engineering. A practical obstacle is that all probabilities in Markov models need to be known. However, system quantities such as failure rates or packet loss ratios, etc. are often not---or only partially---known. This motivates considering parametric models with transitions labeled with functions over parameters. Whereas traditional Markov chain analysis evaluates a reliability metric for a single, fixed set of probabilities, analysing parametric Markov models focuses on synthesising parameter values that establish a given reliability or performance specification $varphi$. Examples are: what component failure rates ensure the probability of a system breakdown to be below 0.00000001?, or which failure rates maximise reliability? This paper presents various analysis algorithms for parametric Markov chains and Markov decision processes. We focus on three problems: (a) do all parameter values within a given region satisfy $varphi$?, (b) which regions satisfy $varphi$ and which ones do not?, and (c) an approximate version of (b) focusing on covering a large fraction of all possible parameter values. We give a detailed account of the various algorithms, present a software tool realising these techniques, and report on an extensive experimental evaluation on benchmarks that span a wide range of applications.
