Pose-Invariant Object Recognition for Event-Based Vision with Slow-ELM

Abstract in English

Neuromorphic image sensors produce activity-driven spiking output at every pixel. These low-power consuming imagers which encode visual change information in the form of spikes help reduce computational overhead and realize complex real-time systems; object recognition and pose-estimation to name a few. However, there exists a lack of algorithms in event-based vision aimed towards capturing invariance to transformations. In this work, we propose a methodology for recognizing objects invariant to their pose with the Dynamic Vision Sensor (DVS). A novel slow-ELM architecture is proposed which combines the effectiveness of Extreme Learning Machines and Slow Feature Analysis. The system, tested on an Intel Core i5-4590 CPU, can perform 10,000 classifications per second and achieves 1% classification error for 8 objects with views accumulated over 90 degrees of 2D pose.
