Critical phenomena and nonlinear dynamics in a spin ensemble strongly coupled to a cavity. I. Semiclassical approach

Abstract in English

We present a theoretical study on the nonlinear dynamics and stationary states of an inhomogeneously broadened spin ensemble coupled to a single-mode cavity driven by an external drive with constant amplitude. Assuming a sizeable number of constituents within the ensemble allows us to use a semiclassical approach and to formally reduce the theoretical description to the Maxwell-Bloch equations for the cavity and spin amplitudes. We explore the critical slowing-down effect, quench dynamics, and asymptotic behavior of the system near a steady-state dissipative phase transition accompanied by a bistability effect. Some of our theoretical findings have recently been successfully verified in a specific experimental realization based on a spin ensemble of negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond strongly coupled to a single-mode microwave cavity (see Science Adv. 3, e1701626 (2017)).
