Reproducibility in $G_0W_0$ Calculations for Solids

Abstract in English

Ab initio many-body perturbation theory within the $GW$ approximation is a Greens function formalism widely used in the calculation of quasiparticle excitation energies of solids. In what has become an increasingly standard approach, Kohn-Sham eigenenergies, generated from a DFT calculation with a strategically-chosen exchange correlation functional ``starting point, are used to construct $G$ and $W$, and then perturbatively corrected by the resultant $GW$ self-energy. In practice, there are several ways to construct the $GW$ self-energy, and these can lead to variations in predicted quasiparticle energies. For example, for ZnO and TiO$_2$, reported $GW$ fundamental gaps can vary by more than 1 eV. In this work, we address the convergence and key approximations in contemporary $G_0W_0$ calculations, including frequency-integration schemes and the treatment of the Coulomb divergence in the exact-exchange term. We study several systems,and compare three different $GW$ codes: BerkeleyGW, Abinit and Yambo. We demonstrate, for the first time, that the same quasiparticle energies for systems in the condensed phase can be obtained with different codes, and we provide a comprehensive assessment of implementations of the $GW$ approximation.
