Local chiral EFT potentials in nuclei and neutron matter: results and issues

Abstract in English

In recent years, the combination of advanced quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) methods and local interactions derived from chiral effective field theory (EFT) has been shown to provide a versatile and systematic approach to nuclear systems. Calculations at next-to-next-to-leading order in chiral EFT have lead to fascinating results for nuclei and nucleonic matter. On the one hand, ground-state properties of nuclei are well reproduced up to $Aleq16$, even though these potentials have been fit to nucleon-nucleon scattering and few-body observables only. On the other hand, a reasonable description of neutron-matter properties emerges. While regulator functions applied to two- and three-nucleon forces are a necessary ingredient in these many-body calculations, the use of local regulators leads to a substantial residual regulator and cutoff dependence that increases current theoretical uncertainties. In this contribution, we review local chiral interactions, their applications, and QMC results for nuclei and neutron matter. In addition, we address regulator issues for such potentials and present a possible path forward.
