Sectoral Multipole Focused Beams

Abstract in English

We discuss the properties of pure multipole beams with well-defined handedness or helicity, with the beam field a simultaneous eigenvector of the squared total angular momentum and its projection along the propagation axis. Under the condition of hemispherical illumination, we show that the only possible propagating multipole beams are `sectoral multipoles. The sectoral dipole beam is shown to be equivalent to the non-singular time-reversed field of an electric and a magnetic point dipole Huygens source located at the beam focus. Higher order multipolar beams are vortex beams vanishing on the propagation axis. The simple analytical expressions of the electric field of sectoral multipole beams, exact solutions of Maxwells equations, and the peculiar behaviour of the Poynting vector and spin and orbital angular momenta in the focal volume could help to understand and model light-matter interactions under strongly focused beams.
