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We show that cellular Floer cohomology of an immersed Lagrangian brane is invariant under smoothing of a self-intersection point if the quantum valuation of the weakly bounding cochain vanishes and the Lagrangian has dimension at least two. The chain-level map replaces the two orderings of the self-intersection point with meridianal and longitudinal cells on the handle created by the surgery, and uses a bijection between holomorphic disks developed by Fukaya-Oh-Ohta-Ono. Our result generalizes invariance of potentials for certain Lagrangian surfaces in Dimitroglou-Rizell--Ekholm--Tonkonog, and implies the invariance of Floer cohomology under mean curvature flow with this type of surgery, as conjectured by Joyce.
We show that immersed Lagrangian Floer cohomology in compact rational symplectic manifolds is invariant under Maslov flows such as coupled mean curvature/Kaehler-Ricci flow in the sense of Smoczyk as a pair of self-intersection points is born or dies at a self-tangency, using results of Ekholm-Etnyre-Sullivan. This proves part of a conjecture of Joyce. We give a lower bound on the time for which the Floer cohomology is invariant under the (forward or backwards) flow, if it exists.
In this paper, we discuss Floer homology of Lagrangian submanifolds in an open symplectic manifold given as the complement of a smooth divisor. Firstly, a compactification of moduli spaces of holomorphic strips in a smooth divisor complement is introduced. Next, this compactification is used to define Lagrangian Floer homology of two Lagrangians in the divisor complement. The main new feature of this paper is that we do not make any assumption on positivity or negativity of the divisor.
In the first part of the present paper, we study the moduli spaces of holomorphic discs and strips into an open symplectic, isomorphic to the complement of a smooth divisor in a closed symplectic manifold. In particular, we introduce a compactification of this moduli space, which is called the relative Gromov-Witten compactification. The goal of this paper is to show that the RGW compactifications admit Kuranishi structures which are compatible with each other. This result provides the remaining ingredient for the main construction of the first part: Floer homology for monotone Lagrangians in a smooth divisor complement.
We construct geometric maps from the cyclic homology groups of the (compact or wrapped) Fukaya category to the corresponding $S^1$-equivariant (Floer/quantum or symplectic) cohomology groups, which are natural with respect to all Gysin and periodicity exact sequences and are isomorphisms whenever the (non-equivariant) open-closed map is. These {em cyclic open-closed maps} give (a) constructions of geometric smooth and/or proper Calabi-Yau structures on Fukaya categories (which in the proper case implies the Fukaya category has a cyclic A-infinity model in characteristic 0) and (b) a purely symplectic proof of the non-commutative Hodge-de Rham degeneration conjecture for smooth and proper subcategories of Fukaya categories of compact symplectic manifolds. Further applications of cyclic open-closed maps, to counting curves in mirror symmetry and to comparing topological field theories, are the subject of joint projects with Perutz-Sheridan [GPS1, GPS2] and Cohen [CG].
Surgery exact triangles in various 3-manifold Floer homology theories provide an important tool in studying and computing the relevant Floer homology groups. These exact triangles relate the invariants of 3-manifolds, obtained by three different Dehn surgeries on a fixed knot. In this paper, the behavior of $SU(N)$-instanton Floer homology with respect to Dehn surgery is studied. In particular, it is shown that there are surgery exact tetragons and pentagons, respectively, for $SU(3)$- and $SU(4)$-instanton Floer homologies. It is also conjectured that $SU(N)$-instanton Floer homology in general admits a surgery exact $(N+1)$-gon. An essential step in the proof is the construction of a family of asymptotically cylindrical metrics on ALE spaces of type $A_n$. This family is parametrized by the $(n-2)$-dimensional associahedron and consists of anti-self-dual metrics with positive scalar curvature. The metrics in the family also admit a torus symmetry.