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Magnetic ordering and ferroelectricity in multiferroic 2H-AgFeO2: Comparison between hexagonal and rhombohedral polytypes

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 Added by Dmitry Khalyavin
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Magnetic and dielectric properties of the hexagonal triangular lattice antiferromagnet 2H-AgFeO2 have been studied by neutron diffraction, magnetic susceptibility, specific heat, pyroelectric current, and dielectric constant measurements. The ferroelectric polarization, P ~ 5 {mu}C/m2, has been found to appear below 11 K due to a polar nature of the magnetic ground state of the system. In the temperature range of 11 K < T < 18 K, an incommensurate spin density wave (ICM1) with the nonpolar magnetic point group mmm1 and the k1 = (0,q1_b,0; q1_b = 0.390-0.405)propagation vector takes place. Below 14 K, a proper screw ordering (ICM2) and k2 = (0,q2_b,0; q2_b = 0.385-0.396) appears as a minor phase which coexists with ICM1 and the ground state down to the lowestmeasured temperature 5.5 K. No ferroelectric polarization associated with the ICM2 phase was observed in agreement with its nonpolar point group 2221. Finally, a spiral order with cycloid and proper screw components (ICM3), and k3 = (q3_a,q3_b,0; q3_a = 0.0467, q3_b = 0.349) emerges below 11 K as the ground state of the system. Based on the deduced magnetic point group 21, we conclude that the ferroelectric polarization in ICM3 is parallel to the c axis and is caused by the inverse Dzyloshinskii-Moriya effect with p1 ~ rij x (Si x Sj ). Unlike the rhombohedral 3R-AgFeO2 polytype, the additional contribution to the macroscopic polarization p2 ~ Si x Sj is not allowed in the present case due to the symmetry constraints imposed by the hexagonal lattice of 2H-AgFeO2.

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We report on the magnetic structure and ordering of hexagonal LuFeO3 films grown by molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE) on YSZ (111) and Al2O3 (0001) substrates. Using a set of complementary probes including neutron diffraction, we find that the system magnetically orders into a ferromagnetically-canted antiferromagnetic state via a single transition between 138-155 K, while a paraelectric to ferroelectric transition occurs above 1000 K. The symmetry of the magnetic structure in the ferroelectric state implies that this material is a strong candidate for linear magnetoelectric coupling and control of the ferromagnetic moment directly by an electric field.
In order to clarify the mechanism associated with pressure/magnetic-field-induced giant ferroelectric polarization in TbMnO3, this work investigated changes in magnetic ordering brought about by variations in temperature, magnetic field, and pressure. This was accomplished by means of neutron diffraction analyses under high pressures and high magnetic fields, employing a single crystal. The incommensurate magnetic ordering of a cycloid structure was found to be stable below the reported critical pressure of 4.5 GPa. In contrast, a commensurate E-type spin ordering of Mn spins and a noncollinear configuration of Tb spins with k=(0,1/2,0) appeared above 4.5 GPa. The application of a magnetic field along the a axis (H_{||a}) under pressure induces a k=(0,0,0)antiferromagnetic structure in the case of Tb spins above H_{||a}, enhancing the ferroelectric polarization, while the E-type ordering of Mn spins is stable even above the critical field. From the present experimental findings, we conclude that the E-type ordering of Mn spins induces giant ferroelectric polarization through an exchange striction mechanism. The H_{||a}-induced polarization enhancement can be understood by considering that the polarization, reduced by the polar ordering of Tb moments in a zero field, can be recovered through a field-induced change to nonpolar k=(0,0,0) ordering at H_{||a} ~ 2T.
Resonant and non-resonant X-ray scattering studies on HoFe3(BO3)O4 reveal competing magnetic ordering of Ho and Fe moments. Temperature and X-ray polarization dependent measurements employed at the Ho L3 edge directly reveal a spiral spin order of the induced Ho moments in the ab-plane propagating along the c-axis, a screw-type magnetic structure. At about 22.5 K the Fe spins are observed to rotate within the basal plane inducing spontaneous electric polarization, P. Components of P in the basal plane and along the c-axis can be scaled with the separated magnetic X-ray scattering intensities of the Fe and Ho magnetic sublattices, respectively.
Multiferroic rare earth manganites attracted recent attention because of the coexistence of different types of magnetic and ferroelectric orders resulting in complex phase diagrams and a wealth of physical phenomena. The coupling and mutual interference of the different orders and the large magnetoelectric effect observed in several compounds are of fundamental interest and bear the potential for future applications in which the dielectric (magnetic) properties can be modified by the onset of a magnetic (dielectric) transition or the application of a magnetic (electric) field. The physical mechanisms of the magnetoelectric effect and the origin of ferroelectric order at magnetic transitions have yet to be explored. We discuss multiferroic phenomena in the hexagonal HoMnO3 and show that the strong magneto-dielectric coupling is intimately related to the lattice strain induced by unusually large spin-phonon correlations.
Orthorhombic HoMnO3 is a multiferroic in which Mn antiferromagnetic order induces ferroelectricity. A second transition occurs within the multiferroic phase, in which a strong enhancement of the ferroelectric polarization occurs concomitantly to antiferromagnetic ordering of Ho 4f magnetic moments. Using the element selectivity of resonant X-ray diffraction, we study the magnetic order of the Mn 3d and Ho 4f moments. We explicitly show that the Mn magnetic order is affected by the Ho 4f magnetic ordering transition. Based on the azimuthal dependence of the (0 q 0) and (0 1-q 0) magnetic reflections, we suggest that the Ho 4f order is similar to that previously observed for Tb 4f in TbMnO3, which resembles an ac-cycloid. This is unlike the Mn order, which has already been shown to be different for the two materials. Using non-resonant diffraction, we show that the magnetically-induced ferroelectric lattice distortion is unaffected by the Ho ordering, suggesting a mechanism through which the Ho order affects polarization without affecting the lattice in the same manner as the Mn order.
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