Bayesian data fusion for unmeasured confounding

Abstract in English

Bayesian causal inference offers a principled approach to policy evaluation of proposed interventions on mediators or time-varying exposures. We outline a general approach to the estimation of causal quantities for settings with time-varying confounding, such as exposure-induced mediator-outcome confounders. We further extend this approach to propose two Bayesian data fusion (BDF) methods for unmeasured confounding. Using informative priors on quantities relating to the confounding bias parameters, our methods incorporate data from an external source where the confounder is measured in order to make inferences about causal estimands in the main study population. We present results from a simulation study comparing our data fusion methods to two common frequentist correction methods for unmeasured confounding bias in the mediation setting. We also demonstrate our method with an investigation of the role of stage at cancer diagnosis in contributing to Black-White colorectal cancer survival disparities.
