Vectorial optical field reconstruction by attosecond spectral interferometry

Abstract in English

An electrical pulse E(t) is completely defined by its time-dependent amplitude and polarisation direction. For optical pulses the manipulation and characterisation of the light polarisation state is fundamental due to its relevance in several scientific and technological fields. In this work we demonstrate the complete temporal reconstruction of the electric field of few-cycle pulses with a complex time-dependent polarisation. Our experimental approach is based on extreme ultraviolet interferometry with isolated attosecond pulses and on the demonstration that the motion of an attosecond electron wave packet is sensitive to perturbing fields only along the direction of its motion. By exploiting the sensitivity of interferometric techniques and by controlling the emission and acceleration direction of the wave packet, pulses with energies as low as few hundreds of nanojoules can be reconstructed. Our approach opens the possibility to completely characterise the electric field of the pulses typically used in visible pump-probe spectroscopy.
