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Numerical stochastic perturbation theory applied to the twisted Eguchi-Kawai model

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 Added by Ken-Ichi Ishikawa
 Publication date 2019
and research's language is English

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We present the results of an exploratory study of the numerical stochastic perturbation theory (NSPT) applied to the four dimensional twisted Eguchi-Kawai (TEK) model. We employ a Kramers type algorithm based on the Generalized Hybrid Molecular Dynamics (GHMD) algorithm. We have computed the perturbative expansion of square Wilson loops up to $O(g^8)$. The results of the first two coefficients (up to $O(g^4)$) have a high precision and match well with the exact values. The next two coefficients can be determined and even extrapolated to large $N$, where they should coincide with the corresponding coefficients for ordinary Yang-Mills theory on an infinite lattice. Our analysis shows the behaviour of the probability distribution for each coefficient tending to Gaussian for larger $N$. The results allow us to establish the requirements to extend this analysis to much higher order.

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We have evaluated perturbation coefficients of Wilson loops up to $O(g^8)$ for the four-dimensional twisted Eguchi-Kawai model using the numerical stochastic perturbation theory (NSPT) in arXiv:1902.09847. In this talk we present a progress report on the higher order calculation up to $O(g^{63})$, for which we apply a fast Fourier transformation (FFT) based convolution algorithm to the multiplication of polynomial matrices in the NSPT aiming for higher order calculation. We compare two implementations with the CPU-only version and the GPU version of the FFT based convolution algorithm, and find a factor 9 improvement on the computational speed of the NSPT algorithm with SU($N=225$) at $O(g^{31})$. The perturbation order dependence of the computational time, we investigate it up to $O(g^{63})$, shows a mild scaling behavior on the truncation order.
The motivation and construction of the original Quenched Eguchi-Kawai model are reviewed, providing much greater detail than in the first, 1982 QEK paper. A 2008 article announced that QEK fails as a reduced model because the average over permutations of eigenvalues stays annealed. It is shown here that the original quenching logic naturally leads to a formulation with no annealed average over permutations.
120 - A. Hietanen , R. Narayanan 2010
It is believed that fermions in adjoint representation on single site lattice will restore the center symmetry, which is a crucial requirement for the volume independence of large-N lattice gauge theories. We present a perturbative analysis which supports the assumption for overlap fermions, but shows that center symmetry is broken for naive fermions.
We calculate Wilson loops of various sizes up to 20 loops in SU(3) pure lattice gauge theory at different lattice sizes for Wilson gauge action using the technique of numerical stochastic perturbation theory. This allows us to investigate the perturbative series for various Wilson loops at high loop orders. We observe differences in the behavior of those series as function of the loop order. Up to $n=20$ we do not find evidence for the factorial growth of the expansion coefficients often assumed to characterize an asymptotic series. Based on the actually observed behavior we sum the series in a model parametrized by hypergeometric functions. Alternatively we estimate the total series in boosted perturbation theory using information from the first 14 loops. We introduce generalized ratios of Wilson loops of different sizes. Together with the corresponding Wilson loops from standard Monte Carlo measurements they enable us to assess their non-perturbative parts.
In this contribution we present an exploratory study of several novel methods for numerical stochastic perturbation theory. For the investigation we consider observables defined through the gradient flow in the simple {phi}^4 theory.
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