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Alignment between filaments and galaxy spins from the MaNGA integral-field survey

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 Added by Alexander Krolewski
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Halos and galaxies acquire their angular momentum during the collapse of surrounding large-scale structure. This process imprints alignments between galaxy spins and nearby filaments and sheets. Low mass halos grow by accretion onto filaments, aligning their spins with the filaments, whereas high mass halos grow by mergers along filaments, generating spins perpendicular to the filament. We search for this alignment signal using filaments identified with the Cosmic Web Reconstruction algorithm applied to the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Main Galaxy Sample and galaxy spins from the MaNGA integral-field unit survey. MaNGA produces a map of the galaxys rotational velocity, allowing direct measurement of the galaxys spin direction, or unit angular momentum vector projected onto the sky. We find no evidence for alignment between galaxy spins and filament directions. We do find hints of a mass-dependent alignment signal, which is in 2-3$sigma$ tension with the mass-dependent alignment signal in the MassiveBlack-II and Illustris hydrodynamical simulations. However, the tension vanishes when galaxy spin is measured using the H$alpha$ emission line velocity rather than stellar velocity. Finally, in simulations we find that the mass-dependent transition from aligned to anti-aligned dark matter halo spins is not necessarily present in stellar spins: we find a stellar spin transition in Illustris but not in MassiveBlack-II, highlighting the sensitivity of spin-filament alignments to feedback prescriptions and subgrid physics.

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The orientations of the red galaxies in a filament are aligned with the orientation of the filament. We thus develop a location-alignment-method (LAM) of detecting filaments around clusters of galaxies, which uses both the alignments of red galaxies and their distributions in two-dimensional images. For the first time, the orientations of red galaxies are used as probes of filaments. We apply LAM to the environment of Coma cluster, and find four filaments (two filaments are located in sheets) in two selected regions, which are compared with the filaments detected with the method of cite{Falco14}. We find that LAM can effectively detect the filaments around a cluster, even with $3sigma$ confidence level, and clearly reveal the number and overall orientations of the detected filaments. LAM is independent of the redshifts of galaxies, and thus can be applied at relatively high redshifts and to the samples of red galaxies without the information of redshifts. We also find that the images of background galaxies (interlopers) which are lensed by the gravity of foreground filaments are amplifiers to probe the filaments.
In this paper, we investigate 2727 galaxies observed by MaNGA as of June 2016 to develop spatially resolved techniques for identifying signatures of active galactic nuclei (AGN). We identify 303 AGN candidates. The additional spatial dimension imposes challenges in identifying AGN due to contamination from diffuse ionized gas, extra-planar gas and photoionization by hot stars. We show that the combination of spatially-resolved line diagnostic diagrams and additional cuts on H$alpha$ surface brighness and H$alpha$ equivalent width can distinguish between AGN-like signatures and high-metallicity galaxies with LINER-like spectra. Low mass galaxies with high specific star formation rates are particularly difficult to diagnose and routinely show diagnostic line ratios outside of the standard star-formation locus. We develop a new diagnostic -- the distance from the standard diagnostic line in the line-ratios space -- to evaluate the significance of the deviation from the star-formation locus. We find 173 galaxies that would not have been selected as AGN candidates based on single-fibre spectral measurements but exhibit photoionization signatures suggestive of AGN activity in the MaNGA resolved observations, underscoring the power of large integral field unit (IFU) surveys. A complete census of these new AGN candidates is necessary to understand their nature and probe the complex co-evolution of supermassive black holes and their hosts.
We investigate the 3D spin alignment of galaxies with respect to the large-scale filaments using the MaNGA survey. The cosmic web is reconstructed from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey using Disperse and the 3D spins of MaNGA galaxies are estimated using the thin disk approximation with integral field spectroscopy kinematics. Late-type spiral galaxies are found to have their spins parallel to the closest filaments axis. The alignment signal is found to be dominated by low-mass spirals. Spins of S0-type galaxies tend to be oriented preferentially in perpendicular direction with respect to the filaments axis. This orthogonal orientation is found to be dominated by S0s that show a notable misalignment between their kinematic components of stellar and ionised gas velocity fields and/or by low mass S0s with lower rotation support compared to their high mass counterparts. Qualitatively similar results are obtained when splitting galaxies based on the degree of ordered stellar rotation, such that galaxies with high spin magnitude have their spin aligned, and those with low spin magnitude in perpendicular direction to the filaments. In the context of conditional tidal torque theory, these findings suggest that galaxies spins retain memory of their larger-scale environment. In agreement with measurements from hydrodynamical cosmological simulations, the measured signal at low redshift is weak, yet statistically significant. The dependence of the spin-filament orientation of galaxies on their stellar mass, morphology and kinematics highlights the importance of sample selection to detect the signal.
108 - Yu Qiu 2020
Galaxy clusters are the most massive collapsed structures in the universe whose potential wells are filled with hot, X-ray emitting intracluster medium. Observations however show that a significant number of clusters (the so-called cool-core clusters) also contain large amounts of cold gas in their centres, some of which is in the form of spatially extended filaments spanning scales of tens of kiloparsecs. These findings have raised questions about the origin of the cold gas, as well as its relationship with the central active galactic nucleus (AGN), whose feedback has been established as a ubiquitous feature in such galaxy clusters. Here we report a radiation hydrodynamic simulation of AGN feedback in a galaxy cluster, in which cold filaments form from the warm, AGN-driven outflows with temperatures between $10^4$ and $10^7$ K as they rise in the cluster core. Our analysis reveals a new mechanism, which, through the combination of radiative cooling and ram pressure, naturally promotes outflows whose cooling time is shorter than their rising time, giving birth to spatially extended cold gas filaments. Our results strongly suggest that the formation of cold gas and AGN feedback in galaxy clusters are inextricably linked and shed light on how AGN feedback couples to the intracluster medium.
114 - Peng Wang 2020
Galaxies, as well as their satellites, are known to form within the cosmic web: the large, multi-scale distribution of matter in the universe. It is known that the surrounding large scale structure (LSS) can impact and influence the formation of galaxies, e.g. the spin and shape of haloes or galaxies are correlated with the LSS and the correlation depends on halo mass or galaxy morphology. In this work, we use group and filament catalogues constructed from the SDSS DR12 to investigate the correlation between satellite systems and the large scale filaments they are located in. We find that the distribution of satellites is significantly correlated with filaments, namely the major axis of the satellite systems are preferentially aligned with the spine of the closest filament. Stronger alignment signals are found for the cases where the system away from the filament spine, while systems close to the filament spine show significantly weaker alignment. Our results suggest that satellites are accreted along filaments, which agrees with previous works. The case of which away from the filament spine may help us to understand how the filament forms as well as the peculiar satellite distribution in the Local Universe.
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